ASP NET Core Main Method | Project Structure

ASP NET Core Main Method | Project Structure

We will learn:

  • ASP.NET core web application [Type:Blank] project file
  • ASP.NET core Main Method
  • Application go through
  • Basic Requirement
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with ASP.NET Core 3.1

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Project File

  • If the project is created with
  • C# language means solution extension will be .csproj
  • VB language means solution extension will be .vbproj
  • Content of project files has been changed a lot in core
  • No file and folder reference in project file
  • Now all files and folder will be displayed in the solution explorer
  • Immediately changes will be accepted by the file system and the solution
  • Similarly for delete operation and subfolder as well
  • No unload requires and traditional approach gone
  • All dependencies are mentioned under dependencies node
  • Right click on project name and Edit Project file

  • Target Framework: To specify the target framework we use this element <TargetFramework>
  • To specify a target framework we use Target Framework Moniker (TFM).
  • netcoreapp3.1 is the Moniker for .NET Core 3.1.
  • We have selected .NET Core 3.1 as the target framework from the New Project Dialog box at the time of project creation.
  • AspNetCoreHostingModel : There are two types of hosting model in core InProcess or OutOfProcess.
  • InProcess means host our core app inside of the IIS worker process (w3wp.exe).
  • OutOfProcess  means ASP.NET Core app running on the Kestrel server.
  • We will discuss in detail in our upcoming videos.

Check Version

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.App: All the features of ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Entity Framework Core are included in this Microsoft.AspNetCore.App package. The default project templates targeting ASP.NET Core 3.1.
  • You can check the version through right click on the dependency and click on properties.

Main Method() – Pogram.cs

  • In the .Net core application, we have program.cs file and in that we have a main method.
  • It is just like .Net console application main method which was the starting point
  • .Net core app initially start with console app, it also start with Main method.
  • As you can see it configure the .net core app with host build and run method.
  • Call CreateHostBuilder and return the IHostBuilder object, call the build method which builds a web host for .net core app
  • Now Run method is called and app start and listening to the HTTP request.
  • CreateDefaultBuilder() method creates and set up a web host with pre-configured defaults.

Configue() – Startup.cs

  • In the .Net core application, we have Startup.cs file
  • Startup class is also configured by the UseStartup() extension method of IWebHostBuilder class. This class has 2 very imp methods and those are called by the runtime.
  • ConfigureServices() –to add service to the container,
  • Configure() - Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.

Next : ASP.NET Core Hosting [in/out] process

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